Bei der Bundessiegerschau gab es für uns einen Richterwechsel,es richtete B.Matakovic aus Kroatien .Die Klubsiegerschau richtete Frau S.Würgatsch aus Deutschland.
Die Paarklasse wurde von Frau E.Letackova aus Tschechien gerichtet.
As customary we went to Tulln/Austria for the Austrian Bundeswinner and Clubwinner Show.
Tulln,the former Roman cavalier castle Comagena,where once Hunking Etzel(Attila) met Siegfrieds widow Kriemhilde bevor travelling to Vienna for the marriage welcomed us with the for this time of the year typical weather, high fog in the morning and brilliant blue sky during the day.
At the Bundeswinnerschau they had changed the judge-we were judged by Mr. B.Matakovic from Croatia.The Clubwinnershowjudge was Mrs.S.Würgatsch from Germany.The couples were judged by Mrs.E.Letackova from Czech Republic.
Unsere Resultate/Our Results
Trumpington`s Wilhelm Tell Ex 1 JgCAC Bundesjugendsieger/Bundesjuniorwinner
Rottriver`s Lycaste Jason Ex 1 CACA,CACIB , BOB Bundessieger/Bundeswinner
Trumpington`s Ricola Ex 1 CACA(Intermediate Class)
Trumpington`s Ovomaltin Ex 2 ResCACA(Open class)
Trumpington`s Wilhelm Tell Ex 1 JgCAC Klubjugendsieger/Clubjuniorwinner
Rottriver`s Lycaste Jason Ex 1 CACA Klubsieger/Clubwinner
Trumpington`s Ricola Ex 1 CACA Klubsieger/Clubwinner
Trumpington`s Ovomaltin Ex 1 CACA
Paarklasse/Couples class Winner Jason&Ricola
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